Stocks at exchange

Aggregated data from numerous US stocks.

This category of data serves as a comprehensive repository of information encompassing a wide array of individual stocks traded on a specific exchange. This compilation of data offers valuable insights into the equities market, making it an invaluable resource for training models and conducting in-depth analysis.

There are two categories of stocks available: tech stocks and crypto-related stocks. Tech stocks consist of a curated group of leading companies within the US market, primarily acknowledged for their significant presence in the technology trading market. While crypto-related stocks encompass companies that either invest in the cryptocurrency market or supply hardware for cryptocurrency mining.

Top stocks monthly volume

This metric is formulated using a sequential process that kicks off with the identification of the most prominent companies, primarily based on their trading volume in the preceding period. These top-trading companies are then singled out to determine the aggregate USD trading volume for the subsequent month.

Top stocks monthly volume per trades

This metric is based on the process described in Top stocks monthly volume, but with slight adjustments. Instead of focusing on the total trading volume of the top-performing companies, we emphasize the average volume per individual trade for these companies.

Last updated